
Pfizer developed Coronavirus vaccine effective for 12-15 years old

New Delhi, 31/3: Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine is 100 percent effective on children between twelve and fifteen years. The company has claimed this on Wednesday. At the same time, a study has revealed that the Covid-19 vaccine, jointly produced by American pharma company Pfizer and German biotechnology company BioNotech, can give protection against that new type of coronavirus found in Britain and then South Africa.

According to the study published in the research journal Nature Medicine, the said vaccine is effective on the coronary virus ‘N501Y’ and ‘E484K’ mutations. According to a team of experts, including scientists from the University of Texas in the US, the vaccine’s effect on the E484 mutation of the virus is slightly lower than the effect on the N501Y mutation.

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