
Warning from WHO : If the effect of Coronavirus rises , a dead child will be born every 16 seconds

The World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef), and their allied organizations have issued warnings that the threat to pregnant women and their pregnancies from the Corona epidemic has already increased. The WHO has released a report stating that if the corona epidemic increases, a dead child will be born every 16 seconds and more than 2 million ‘stillbirth’ cases will occur every year. According to the report, most of these cases will be related to developing countries.

The WHO, in a report published on Thursday, revealed that about two million babies are born every year (stillbirths) and these cases are mostly related to developing countries. The birth of a dead baby after 28 weeks of conception or after childbirth, is called ‘stillbirth’. The United Nations Health Agency said last year three out of four births were ‘stillbirths’ in Sub-Saharan Africa or South Asia.

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) executive director Hanarita Four said, “Every 16 seconds, a mother will suffer the stillbirth.” He said that such cases can be prevented with the help of a professional doctor for better monitoring, good antenatal care, and safe delivery.

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