
Workouts to try from the comfort of your room ! Know the details

Exercising is very important. Even more important in this corona hit world. Exercise has numerous health benefits, it not only keeps you fit but keeps diseases away. But every one of us can’t go to the gym, some are busy and some are just lazy. Hitting the gym in this winter is also a big ask. What if we tell you a few exercises which you could perform from your room without going anywhere?

1. Push-ups

Push-up is a very popular exercise that is performed by many fitness lovers every day. It’s a compound movement that hits your chest, arms, and your core. But doing this exercise with a proper form is important. You can do 10-20-100 as many repetitions you want. For this exercise, you just need a floor.

2. Burpees

Burpees can be a very good alternative to those long and boring cardio sessions. It takes your heart rate up and makes you burn more calories in a few minutes. It is another compound movent that works as a cardiovascular exercise. Unlike pushups which mainly target your upper body, burpees work your entire body. If you break burpee down you will find that it comprises of pushups, squats. 15 minutes of Burpees can replace your 30-minute long running session.

3. Sit-ups

We all want to flaunt those six-pack abs of ours, don’t we? but most of us lack a strong core. Sit-ups are the go-to exercise to maintain that core and develop those abs. Like push-ups, the form is important here also. A bad form can mess up your body badly.

4. Squats

Legs are the most neglected part during a workout session. People deliberately miss leg days because they think it’s difficult. Yes, it may be difficult but working your legs out would mean you burn more calories. Working your legs once or twice a week is great for your weight loss journey. Initially, it may seem painful but with time you will enjoy the pain.

So here are a few basic exercises that you can do from the comfort of your room. We hope you are back in shape this winter and protect yourself from the pandemic.

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