
Alarming: 22 Passengers from UK tested corona positive, the fear of new strain rises

New Delhi, 24/12: 22 People who travelled from the UK have tested positive for coronavirus. These cases raise the fear of the new mutant corona strain in India. The mutant strain was first discovered in Britain and it is said to be more infectious.

Authorities said, Eleven people who came from or via the UK have tested positive in Delhi, eight in Amritsar, two in Kolkata and one in Chennai. According to government the new strain of the coronavirus is yet to be seen in India. Samples of those who tested positive have been sent to specialised labs like the National Institute of Virology in Pune to determine if the infection is from the mutant coronavirus

Government has banned flights to the UK two days earlier. People returning from abroad have to go through RT-PCR tests. They are allowed to leave the airport only after their test result is negative.

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