
Nagaland State Secretariat shut down for 48 hours after COVID-19 cases spike

The Nagaland Government ordered for the shut down of the State Secretariat for 48 hours after the state saw a sudden spike in COVID-19 cases.


Kohima, 16/11: The Nagaland Government ordered the closure and proper sanitization of the State Secretariat for two days after the fresh spike in COVID-19 cases. The State Government also ordered the Health Department to aggressively trace the infected individuals as the State saw the one day case tally increasing from 112 on Saturday to 135 on Sunday. Kohima was reported as the hotspot of the cases.

The official notification signed by the Additional Deputy Commissioner of Kohima, Lithrongla Tongpi Rutsa, said that the State had taken decisions to shut down the Nagaland Civil Secretariat Complex on Monday and Tuesday keeping the safety guidelines in mind. He also added that proper procedures to trace the infected have been started. The public has been asked to follow social safety procedures and stay safe.

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