
Good News for ITBP Jawans on the occasion of New year


New Delhi, 29/12: The Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) has given a New Year gift to its jawans. For the first time in the Central Armed Police Forces, the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) has introduced a digital system – Centralized Liquor Management System (CLMS) for liquor for soldiers. This step of ITBP will benefit about 90 thousand soldiers, officers and 1 lakh retired employees.

For the last several years on the demand of the soldiers, the force headquarters was trying to provide good quality liquor to the ITBP soldiers near their home. For this, work was being done on the creation of a digital system.

Earlier, the jawan had the option of getting the authorized liquor from his canteen at his present place of posting and he was not able to take liquor from any other formation canteen in addition to the force. Due to the different excise and excise rules of different states of the country, the soldiers had to face many difficulties. Also, liquor was traditionally sold, with limited transparency.

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