
India Celebrated 72nd Republic Day, 5 Things you must know about the Republic Day Parade This Year!


New Delhi, 27/1: India has celebrated its 72nd Republic day. The pandemic may have affected the celebrations but it did not stop us from celebrating our country’s democracy.

Thousands of armed personnel were deployed at the Rajpath and several border points of the national capital which were brought under a multi-layered security cover in view of Republic Day celebrations.

Here are Five Things which you Must Know about the Republic Day this Year:

1.Due to the pandemic, only 25,000 people are allowed to attend the Republic Day ceremony at Rajpath. Earlier Parades were witnessed by 1,50,000 lakh people. Children below the age of 15 and senior citizens aged above 65 are not permitted.

2. This will be the 1st Republic Day Parade without a foreign head of state in over 55 years, as Britain PM Boris Johnson won’t be able t attend the event.

3. The parade will end at the National Stadium this year instead of the Red Fort.

4. The event will also witness the participation of a women fighter pilot for the first time. Flight Lieutenant Bhawana Kanth, one of India’s first women fighter pilots will be a part of the IAF’s Tableau. Also, the Republic Day Prade flypast will be led by Swati Rathore, an Indian Airforce Lieutenant. She will be the first woman to lead the Republic day parade flypast.

5. Uttar Pradesh’s Tableau will feature a replica of the Ram Temple, which is under construction in Ayodhya.

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