
Dog inherits USD 5 million from late Owners

New Delhi, 13/2: An 8-year-old Border Collie dog, Lulu was left with USD 5 million by her late owner. Her owner Bill Dorris, from Nashville, Tennessee in the US, died last year.

The will of Lulu’s owner states that the money will be transferred to a trust, so that it can be used to take care of her. According to the BBC, Dorris left the dog in the care of his friend, Martha Burton. The will states that Burton is to be reimbursed for Lulu’s reasonable monthly expenses.

Talking about Lulu’s relationship with her late owner, Burton told News Channel 5, “I don’t really know what to think about it to tell you the truth. He just really loved the dog.”

Additionally, the large amount that Lulu has inherited does not mean that she or her new owner get a free pass to spend it to their hearts will. The will simply permit Burton to be reimbursed for reasonable monthly expenses. While spending USD 5 million on a dog sounds completely berserk, Burton told New York Post that “she’d like to try.

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