
Social Distance to be maintained till 2022 to fight against Coronavirus.


To date, no vaccine has been developed in the world to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Social distancing is considered the only remedy for getting rid of this deadly epidemic. However, the virus will not come under control if it is locked down once for social protection purposes. This approach has to be taken from time to time for years. Scientists warn that social distance must be maintained by at least 2022.
According to an article in the journal Science, once a lockdown is done, the epidemic will not come under control. If the cuts do not continue, the increase could be even worse now. Mark Lipstick, a professor of epidemiology at Harvard University, warns that even if the vaccine is not released or treated effectively, the coronavirus could recur by 2025. “The infection is mainly caused by two types of people,” said Lipstick, who led the study in support of the university’s epidemiological science. One is from an infected person and the other is from a very sensitive person. “If adequate immunity is not available, the lives of many people are at risk.” “Previously predicted that the virus would be reduced in the summer of 2020, it has been proven completely wrong,” Lipstick said. His report was released by the U.S. Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergency Situations. Howard T.H. Researchers at the Chan School of Public Health has similarly warned the world.

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