
Health Ministry Meet today to discuss Mutant Coronavirus strains


New Delhi, 21/12: The Joint Monitoring Group of the Health Ministry is meeting today to discuss the spread of Mutant Coronavirus strains in the UK. Flight bans to UK will be one of the major topics of discussion. Many European nations have already banned flights to and from Britain. Till now India has not taken any such decision.

On Sunday Britain had warned about this new strain of coronavirus to the world and said it was “out of control”, and imposed a strict lock-down. The mutation of the coronavirus is worrying scientists across the globe as drug firms are still in their early stages of rolling out vaccines.

According to the Scientists the new variant of the deadly coronavirus is 70% more transmissible in patients.

Chris Whitty, Britain’s Chief Medical Officer stated that while the new strain was more infectious, “there is no current evidence to suggest it causes a higher mortality rate or that it affects vaccines and treatments, although urgent work is underway to confirm this”, as reported by AFP news.


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