
Delete this app from your mobile , Otherwise hackers can get access to your bank account.

Nowadays cybercrime is increasing rapidly. There are many such apps available on many platforms that are not only harmful to our smartphone but are also very dangerous in terms of security. Security experts often recommend avoiding such apps.

There was an app named DEFENSOR ID on the Google Play Store, now Google has removed it from here. Researchers have claimed that through this app, hackers used to break into a bank account and cryptocurrency wallet. According to the researchers, to test the Android security check, the effect of the malicious surface of the app was reduced. Hackers were taking advantage of this through a malicious function in the app.

With the help of DEFENSOR ID, hackers can steal bank login details, SMS details, two-factor-authentication details with the help of app details. With this, the money in your bank account can be cleared. With the help of this app, social media accounts of users can also be targeted.

Google removed this app from the play store

Experts gave this information to Google, after which Google removed it from the Play Store. This app was released in February this year and received the last update on 6 May. Experts came to know about these shortcomings during testing of the latest version of the app

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