
Vegetable seller found Corona Positive , 2000 people are in quarantine

Agra, 19/4: Coronavirus infection is taking a severe form in the Taj city of Agra. The way the infection is spreading in the district, the danger of community spread is also arising. The district administration and health department has been stirred up after the corona infection was confirmed in the vegetable seller in the Chaman Lal enclosure of Freeganj of the city. In a hurry, the administration has sealed the Chaman Lal Bada area and made about 2000 people home quarantine.

It is being told that the infected patient used to drive an auto, but due to the lockdown, he started selling vegetables. When he fell ill, he was found positive when he underwent the corona test. Now the biggest challenge before the district administration is to trace the people in contact with it. Currently, 2000 people in the area have been quarantined as a precautionary measure, but the biggest challenge is how it got infected. The question is also, who was the ride if he got infected while driving the auto? Finding him is also a challenge. Also, with whom people came in contact, the district administration will have to do a lot of work.

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