
Odisha government issued guidelines for disposal of COVID-19 patient’s dead body

Bhubaneswar, 25/7: Odisha government has issued guidelines for the disposal of COVID-19 patient’s dead body. IAS Pradeep Jena who is the Special Relief Commissioner & Additional Chief Secretary to Government (Disaster Management) has written a letter to all collectors and Municipal Commissioners in this regard.

Here are the latest guidelines:

  1. If a family member(s) of the patient wish(es) to view the body at the time of removal from the isolation room or area, they may be allowed to do so with the application of standard precautions.
  2. The dead body shall be handled and transported in a decent manner.
  3. While disposing the dead body at the crematorium/ burial ground, the family members may be allowed to perform the last rites according to their religion/ faith without touching the body, maintaining a minimum safe distance from the body and following standard hygienic precautions, such as hand hygiene, use of mask & gloves, no spitting in public place.
  4. Bathing, kissing, hugging, etc. of the body are strictly prohibited.
  5. The family members may be allowed to collect the ash after cremation for the performance of the last rites.
  6. Not more than 20 persons shall be allowed in the funeral function including the priest and member(s), support agency(ies), if any.
  7. However, if the family members do not wish to take part in cremation/ burial of the dead body of the Covid-19 suspect/ confirmed case, the dead body may be disposed of in their absence following the method of disposal, such as cremation or burial, as per the custom of the religion/ sect to which the person belonged to. If the religion/ sect of the person is not known, either of the procedure may be followed for disposal of the dead body.
  8. All other conditions contained in the “COVID-19: GUIDELINES ON DEAD BODY MANAGEMENT” issued by the MoHFW shall be followed mutatis mutandis for disposal of the dead body of the Covid-19 suspect/ confirmed cases.

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