
Haryana To Reserve 75% Jobs In Private Sector For Locals

New Delhi., 2/3: The Governor of Haryana has approved a bill that reserves 75 percent of the private sector jobs for the people of the state. The news was confirmed by the Deputy Chief Minister of Haryana Dushyant Chautala on Tuesday. The legislation was passed by the state assembly last year.

“This is the day of great happiness for the youths of the state…the youths of the state now will get 75 percent reservation in private jobs…they will get reservation in every company, society and trust,” he said.

The bill, tabled by Mr Chautala last year, makes it mandatory for the private sector companies to reserve 75 percent of jobs with a salary up to ₹ 50,000 per month for natives of Haryana. It also contains a clause companies can invoke if suitable local candidates cannot be found. In these cases, they may hire from outside so long as they inform the government of such a step.

Companies must register details of all employees getting up to ₹ 50,000 per month, failing to do so within three months of it becoming a law will attract penalties, the government said,





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