
Magic Foods that will strengthen your immunity this Winter

Winter is here and we are already in our stylish jackets and sweaters. We are happy with getting away from the scorching heat of the summer. With all this happiness winter also brings many health-related issues. From a normal cough to high fever winter can mess up with your health in many ways.

Here are three magic foods that will increase your immunity in this chilling winter.

Citrus Food

Almost all citrus foods are harvested in the winters, and it is believed that seasonal foods are beneficial for the body. Citrus foods contain citric acid which is rich in vitamin c. We can have almost all the citric foods like oranges, lemons, kiwi, guavas etc. Citrus foods are tasty and also boost our immunity in the winter.


Elders in the family say eat almonds for a better memory, they not only help you in having a good memory power but also protects us from the harsh winters. Almonds are rich in magnesium, protein, riboflavin, zinc, etc. In addition to this, they are high in vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant to supports pulmonary immune function. Almonds act as a good snacking option, we can have a fistful of almond every day to help our immunity. But try not to munch on almonds as they could upset your stomach.


Ginger is a food that most of us dislike to eat. But ginger added in a cup of hot tea? Ask ‘chai-lovers’ about it, they will probably have it all day long. Ginger not only makes our tea better but also enhances the strength of our immunity system. Having a cup of ginger tea or ginger ‘kadha’ will help us a great deal in protecting ourselves from the harsh effects of winter.


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