
Here’s How to Live Long and Healthy According to Scientists!

American scientists have described the secret of long life and staying healthy. Scientists say, end your anger before going to sleep at night. After forgetting the quarrel and sleeping after calming the mind, the age is prolonged and the person remains healthy. This claim has been done by the scientists of the Oregon State University of America in their recent research.

According to research, if you settle the quarrel by the end of the day, it does not affect the next day. If you stop negative things from dominating your mind, then you remain mentally healthy. Conversely, if such things persist in the brain, then the level of stress increases, and it affects the whole body.

This research was done on 2,022 people. It included people between the ages of 33 and 84 years. For 8 days every person was asked about his feeling and experience. The team of researchers found that, on average, older people tend to forget negative things sooner than those who are 45 years old.

Researcher Robert Tavsky says that every human being has to face stress at some time, it cannot be completely stopped. But, it can be tried to reduce it to some extent so that you can stay healthy.

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