
This Fashion Designer comes out as Transwoman, Find Out details here!

Mumbai, 6/1: Popular Fashion Designer Swapnil Shinde on Wednesday has come out as Transwoman on Wednesday. He shared his new pictures along with a statement on Instagram. Now Swapnil Shinde will be called Saisha Shinde.

“Irrespective of your origin, there will always be something that reminds you of your childhood. For me, it takes me back to the kind of loneliness that aches, to pressures that pushed me into solitude and the chaos of confusion that grew every moment.

All through school and college, while the boys outside tormented me because I was different, the internal pain was far worse. I felt suffocated living a reality that I knew wasn’t mine, yet one that I had to stage every day because of societal expectations and norms. It was only in my early 20s at NIFT where I found the courage to accept my truth; I truly bloomed.

I spent the next few years believing that I was attracted to men because I was gay, but it was only six years ago that I finally accepted to myself, and today that I accept to you.

I’m not a gay man. I am a Transwoman.” Read Saisha Shinde’s statement.


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