
Here’s How to Protect Yourself from Covid 19 if you are a Diabetic!

Covid-19 has played havoc in the world. Its effect is increasing day by day. Its taking lives as well as stifling people’s lives. Especially for those who have diabetes, heart, liver, kidney problems. Only awareness in such a situation can keep us away from the corona. Let’s find out what people with diabetes can do in these difficult times:

  • People with diabetes should drink 2.5 liters of water every day.
  • If you have high blood sugar, take insulin as directed by your doctor. 
  • Always stay away from mental worries, keep the mind happy, be stress-free.
  • Keep the blood sugar under control. This is because high blood sugar can increase the risk of coronary heart disease. Therefore, diabetes should be avoided as much as possible. 
  • Take regular blood sugar tests and eat a balanced diet.
  • If you have diabetes, take your medication as directed by your doctor. Exercise daily.
  • If you are taking blood pressure medication with diabetes medication, don’t forget to take them regularly on time.

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